jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Issue 4 - Unemployment, Education, and Training

Issue 4: Reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training

Submitter: Sweden
Co-submitters: Austria, South Africa, Hungary, and Spain

Concerned with how Sweden and fellow delegations have the highest ratio of youth unemployment compared to the average rate within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation’s members (OECD),

Taking into consideration that Sweden’s youth unemployment, among 24 year and below, is at a high of 24,2%, which is four times the global average (8%),

Aware of how The International Labour Organisation estimates that the global youth unemployment rate is expected to reach 13’1% in 2017,

Alarmed by the increased accessibility to prosperous job opportunities, which lead to young people’s decision to migrate abroad permanently,

Noting, with regret that, globally 620 million young people are currently not in employment, education or training,

1. Suggests the investment into the creation of programmes that offer aspiring entrepreneurs a leg-up in their projects, enterprises and so on;

2. Calls for the governments of each country to invest in more initiatives and extracurricular activities in order to improve employability skills, entrepreneurship, job seeking, and so on, in order to give an opportunity to all of those who need it;

3. Asks for education systems, the private sector and the governments of each country to collaborate, find out and determine, which skills are the absolute priority in present businesses, due to the fact that skills-mismatch is a concerning issue in the job market, and all of this in order to help unemployed youth find a rewarding job;

4. Demands authorities to change expectations in the workplace, considering that entry-level jobs require previous experience, which makes no sense, and that employers are putting considerably little amount of money into training employees;

5. Encourages the governments in which the teaching labour force is not correctly prepared or experienced, to provide and therefore invest infrastructure and preparation for those either holding a degree or graduating in a formative cycle;
·         Students attaining extraordinary results will be given grants, as a recognition to their great effort
·         Financing programmes will be created in order to assist those struggling to gather the amount of money necessary to pay for both their studies and their internships

6. Suggests the creation of a programme of laboral youth insertion in the job market
·         This measure, will provide working experience to those entering the labour force
·         Countries introducing these programmes, will receive subsidies proportional to their contribution to employment rates


Sudan, Romania, Iceland, Cameroon, Haiti, Monaco, Angola, Iran, Portugal, Greece, Ukraine, Costa Rica, Cuba, Turkey, Serbia, France, Senegal, Yemen, Viet Nam, USA,  Colombia, Egypt, Republic of Kenya

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