jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Issue 3 - Refugee Crisis

FORUM: General Assembly

QUESTION OF: Finding a global solution to the current refugee crisis


Egypt, Greece, Netherlands, Germany, USA, Burkina Faso,
Russian Federation, Israel

Reminding the member states of the United Nations about articles 1, 3, 7, 12, 14, 17, 25
and 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

Fully alarmed by the violation of the articles 9 ("No one shall be subject to arbitrary
arrest, detention or exile"), 14 ("Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other
countries asylum from persecution."),15 ("Everyone has the right to a nationality") and
13 ("Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders
of each State") from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

Emphasizing on article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which
invokes the right of any refugee to seek and be granted asylum in a foreign country,

Alarmed by the closure of borders to Syrian and Iraqi refugees by several members of
the United Nations, thus violating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

Recalling greater security in the European frontiers in order to control the flow of
immigrants in and out of a country, as well as to identify possible threats entering or
leaving a country,

Fully aware of the constant entrance of immigrants inside Europe in seek of asylum, and
of the slow rate of relocation due to the inflexibility of some countries,

Aware of the tax some member states of the United Nations have imposed on asylum
seekers trying to enter their country, violating article 17 of the Declaration of Human

Congratulates nations such as Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus for their efforts
in aiding the refugees fleeing towards Europe by sea,

Fully believing that solidarity and collaboration between nations could solve the
blockade of immigrants in the Balkans and Northern Italy,

Expecting great coordination by all member states when addressing this serious issue in
order to manage to restore order in the frontiers,

Convinced that all member states will help in any way possible to solve this issue, either
with economic help for the affected countries in order to at least meet the sanitary
conditions necessary for the refugee camps, sending humanitarian aid, or by letting
asylum seekers inside their countries,

Desiring the end of xenophobia in some of the member states towards the refugees due
to their religious beliefs or colour of skin in order to avoid violence and to grant
stability, understanding and respect within a country’s borders,

Concerned about the human trafficking happening in Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco,
Egypt and Turkey,

1) Encourages the United Nations to:
a) Respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
b) Divide the amount of refugees equally among the politically and
economically stable nations in order to relieve Northern Italy and the
Balkans depending on the population density of the countries;
c) Open the borders of their countries with reinforced security measures, such
as scanners and fingerprints in order to control the flow of refugees and
identify possible threats entering Europe;
d) Help and collaborate with the nations that are carrying the weight of the
situation, such as Turkey, Spain, Italy, Germany and Cyprus economically,
with humanitarian aid or by taking into our countries refugees;
e) Realize that most of the refugees are families that have left everything they
had behind by fleeing from the war and horror and that they are just looking
for the security they couldn’t find in their homelands;
f) Grant the asylum seekers security by accepting them into our countries;
g) Ban the imposition of taxes to asylum seekers in order to get the protection
of a country;
h) Collaborate with Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Turkey’s
coast guard in order to minimize the amount of deaths at the Mediterranean
i) Impose sanctions on countries that decide to close the frontiers to war

2) Calls upon the strengthening of Frontex in order to:
a) Increase the security of the borders;
b) Control the flow of immigrants;

3) Encourages nations to better communication and collaboration in order to:
a) Reach consensus regarding the refugee crisis;
b) Face this international problem as a compact entity rather than a divided

4) Suggests the minimization of racism through education at school, advertising in
the TV, radio, newspapers, or in streets in the form of posters or bringing
refugees to TV shows to tell their stories;

5) Proposes to all member states that are unable to take in refugees due to their
size, distance or other uncontrollable reasons to aid economically to those
countries opening their frontiers to asylum seekers in order to ensure and
improve the sanitary conditions of the refugee camps;

6) Proposes to implement a program based on the placement of refugees
with prospective employers in a range of jobs, particularly cooking, cleaning,
driving, and babysitting. Giving them an opportunity to sustainably provide for
themselves and their families. This idea would work with the beneficial acts of
charitable employers;

7) Requests the construction of temporary hospitals for refugees in one of the
frontiers financed by small countries such as Monaco, where once the patients
are back in health, can be adopted by a hosting country;

8) Strongly condemns mafias who are trafficking with human beings with false
promises and demands that the full weight of the law should fall upon them;

9) Informing the refugees at refugee camps of the dangerous and distrustful mafias
through leaflets and speeches;

10) Condemns the acts of terror by the Syrian regime against the Syrian population,
thus causing the mass migration towards Europe and North Africa;

SIGNATORIES: Ukraine, Austria, Monaco, Colombia, Albania, Pakistan, Romania,
Cambodia, Estonia, Sudan, South Africa, Iceland, Burkina Faso, Angola, Mexico,
Nepal, Brazil, Argentina, Bahamas, Honduras, Croatia, Mozambique, Bangladesh, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Belarus, Lebanon, Serbia, Iran, Central African
Republic, Bulgaria, Congo, Italy, Ireland, Somalia, Madagascar.

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